Meet the People behind Forge of Empires: Jan, Lead Developer

Hey ich wollte das eigentlich unter Communty posten aber seht mal selbst
As all of you should know by now, the open beta of Forge of Empires successfully started a couple of days ago. Finally, every single one of you guys is able to enjoy our game, which we are very proud of. We would like to thank you all for the overwhelmingly positive feedback. In the future we will continue to focus on improving the game, fixing bugs and also adding new features. Of course we would not be able to do this without all of our passionate developers. Therefore, I will give you more exclusive insights into how it is like working on Forge of Empires here at InnoGames. This is why I meet with Jan – Lead Developer of the game and talked with him about his responsibilities and his daily work.Hi Jan, thank you for taking some time. Would you please introduce yourself to our readers!

Sure. Hi, my name is Jan and I am the Lead Developer of Forge of Empires. This means that I am responsible for the technology behind Forge of Empires and that I have to ensure that the game is working fine from a technological point of view.

How did you become the Lead Developer for Forge of Empires here at InnoGames?

Like most of my colleagues, I have played video games since I was young. Because I was always fascinated with the technical aspects, I started to develop own games when I was about 14 years old. Despite some ups and downs, my motivation to develop games never faded. That’s why I decided to study computer science in Oldenburg. During my studies, I started to play Tribal Wars and was fascinated by the game. That’s why I did an internship during a semester break here at InnoGames. After I successfully finished my studies in 2009, I started as a software developer for Tribal Wars. In 2010 I began working on WestWars, first as developer, later as the lead developer. And finally in 2012, I became the lead developer of Forge of Empires.

So what are your tasks and duties in the development process of Forge of Empires?

As lead developer, I am mainly responsible for the technology behind Forge of Empires. That means that I have to ensure that the game is running stable and that all the different technologies, which we are using for the game, are smoothly working together. In general, I am also responsible for the development of the game, planning and managing the progress of development in our team. This mainly includes planning our iterations and estimating the required time. Besides that, as lead developer I also have to do some management tasks like optimizing processes and leading my team. Additionally I am also responsible for coordinating our frontend and backend developers. But besides all of that, I still also work on fixing bugs and implementing new features in Forge of Empires.

Regarding the development process of Forge of Empires, what are you especially proud of?

I have to say the start of the open beta, because it was very successful and we received a lot of positive feedback. I am also very proud that the game is running stable and that besides trying a lot of new technologies like flash, the backend and frontend are working together very well. But of course I am also proud that so far we only had a few bugs and technical problems in the open beta. A special thanks for that goes out to our community and all the players which have played Forge of Empires since the Exclusive Preview started. Without your dedicated help, we would have not been able to track and fix as many bugs before the start of the open beta. So once again thank you very much. If you have found a bug in our game, I would like to encourage you to report it in our forum. This gives us the chance to provide you with the best gaming experience possible.

What advice would you give someone in high school who’s interested in becoming a game developer?

First of all you need to be interested and enthusiastic about games, especially about how they are being developed. Obviously having an IT background or studying computer science is an advantage as well. But you should not only stick to theory as practical experiences, like internships are very important. As you know, practice makes perfect. I would especially recommend an internship in a games company, because it enables you to find out, whether or not this job is suitable for you firsthand. But if you are passionate about games, this probably won’t be a problem ;)

Thanks again for taking some time Jan! I appreciate it.

Is there a specific question you would like to be answered by the developers of Forge of Empires? Is there a specific job you would like to know more about? Let us know in the comments!


Community Management
Hey ich wollte das eigentlich unter Communty posten aber seht mal selbst
As all of you should know by now, the open beta of Forge of Empires successfully started a couple of days ago. Finally, every single one of you guys is able to enjoy our game, which we are very proud of. We would like to thank you all for the overwhelmingly positive feedback. In the future we will continue to focus on improving the game, fixing bugs and also adding new features. Of course we would not be able to do this without all of our passionate developers. Therefore, I will give you more exclusive insights into how it is like working on Forge of Empires here at InnoGames. This is why I meet with Jan – Lead Developer of the game and talked with him about his responsibilities and his daily work.Hi Jan, thank you for taking some time. Would you please introduce yourself to our readers!

Sure. Hi, my name is Jan and I am the Lead Developer of Forge of Empires. This means that I am responsible for the technology behind Forge of Empires and that I have to ensure that the game is working fine from a technological point of view.

How did you become the Lead Developer for Forge of Empires here at InnoGames?

Like most of my colleagues, I have played video games since I was young. Because I was always fascinated with the technical aspects, I started to develop own games when I was about 14 years old. Despite some ups and downs, my motivation to develop games never faded. That’s why I decided to study computer science in Oldenburg. During my studies, I started to play Tribal Wars and was fascinated by the game. That’s why I did an internship during a semester break here at InnoGames. After I successfully finished my studies in 2009, I started as a software developer for Tribal Wars. In 2010 I began working on WestWars, first as developer, later as the lead developer. And finally in 2012, I became the lead developer of Forge of Empires.

So what are your tasks and duties in the development process of Forge of Empires?

As lead developer, I am mainly responsible for the technology behind Forge of Empires. That means that I have to ensure that the game is running stable and that all the different technologies, which we are using for the game, are smoothly working together. In general, I am also responsible for the development of the game, planning and managing the progress of development in our team. This mainly includes planning our iterations and estimating the required time. Besides that, as lead developer I also have to do some management tasks like optimizing processes and leading my team. Additionally I am also responsible for coordinating our frontend and backend developers. But besides all of that, I still also work on fixing bugs and implementing new features in Forge of Empires.

Regarding the development process of Forge of Empires, what are you especially proud of?

I have to say the start of the open beta, because it was very successful and we received a lot of positive feedback. I am also very proud that the game is running stable and that besides trying a lot of new technologies like flash, the backend and frontend are working together very well. But of course I am also proud that so far we only had a few bugs and technical problems in the open beta. A special thanks for that goes out to our community and all the players which have played Forge of Empires since the Exclusive Preview started. Without your dedicated help, we would have not been able to track and fix as many bugs before the start of the open beta. So once again thank you very much. If you have found a bug in our game, I would like to encourage you to report it in our forum. This gives us the chance to provide you with the best gaming experience possible.

What advice would you give someone in high school who’s interested in becoming a game developer?

First of all you need to be interested and enthusiastic about games, especially about how they are being developed. Obviously having an IT background or studying computer science is an advantage as well. But you should not only stick to theory as practical experiences, like internships are very important. As you know, practice makes perfect. I would especially recommend an internship in a games company, because it enables you to find out, whether or not this job is suitable for you firsthand. But if you are passionate about games, this probably won’t be a problem ;)

Thanks again for taking some time Jan! I appreciate it.

Is there a specific question you would like to be answered by the developers of Forge of Empires? Is there a specific job you would like to know more about? Let us know in the comments!

Wie alle von euch wissen sollte, ist die Open Beta von Forge of Empires vor ein paar Tagen erfolgreich gestartet.
Nun ist jeder einzelne von euch in der Lage das Spiel zu spielen, was uns sehr freut. Wir wollen uns für bei euch für das positive Feedback bedanken. In der Zukunft werden wir uns weiterhin darauf fokusieren das Spiel zu erweitern, Bugs zu beheben und neue Features einzubauen. Wir sind natürlich nur in der Lage dieses zu tun mit dem entsprechenden Team dahinter. Um einen Einblick in die Arbeit des Entwicklers zu geben. Deswegen habe ich Jan - leitender Developer des Spieles Forge of Empires - getroffen und mit ihm über seinen täglichen Arbeitstag geredet.

Hallo Jan, danke für die genommen Zeit. Würdest du dich vielleicht für die Leser Vorstellen?

Natürlich. Hey, mein Name ist Jan und ich bin der Lead Developer von Forge of Empires. Das bedeutet das ich verantwortlich für den technischen Bereich von Forge of Empires bin und dafür sorge trage, dass das Spiel einwandfrei läuft, aus Sicht der Technik.

Wie kam es, dass du die Stelle als leitender Developer bei Forge of Empires bei InnoGames bekamst?

Ich bekam die Stelle wie die meisten meiner Kollegen. Ich spielte Video Spiele seit dem ich jung war. Ich habe schon jung damit angefangen mich für den technischen Bereich von der Spieler zu interessieren. So entwickelte ich mit 14 Jahren mein erstes eigenes Spiel. Trotz einigen Hochs und Tiefs, war meine Motivation in der Spielentwicklung nie geschrumpft. Deswegen entschied ich mich Computer Wissenschaften in Oldenburg zu studieren. Während meines Studiums habe ich angefangen Die Stämme zu spielen und es faszinierte mich. Das ist der Grund warum ich ein Praktikum während meiner Semesterferien bei InnoGames machte. Nachdem ich mein Studium im Jahre 2009 erfolgreich absolvierte, habe ich bei InnoGames als Software Entwickler angefangen (für Die Stämme). 2010 fing arbeite ich erst als Entwickler für WestWars, dann wurde ich leitender Entwickler. Nun, im Jahr 2012 bekam ich die Stelle als leitender Entwickler für Forge of Empires.

Was sind deine Aufgaben und Pflichten die der Entwicklungsprozess von Forge of Empires verbirgt?

Als leitender Entwickler bin ich hauptsächlich für die Technologie hinter Forge of Empires verantwortlich. Das bedeutet, dass es zu meinen Aufgaben zählt das Spiel am laufen zu halten und die verwendeten Technologien aneinander anzupassen. Generell bin ich auch für die Entwicklung des Spieler und die Planung und das Management des Entwicklungsteam zuständig. Dazu zählen vor allem die Planung unserer Entwicklung und die Schätzung der benötigten Zeit. Ich muss natürlich auch die Optimierung unserer Prozesse managen und das Team leiten. Zusätzlich bin ich für Frontend und Backendewicklung verantwortlich. Aber neben diesen Aufgaben bin ich auch einfach für Bug Behebung und der Programierung von neuen Features von Forge of Empires verantwortlich.

In Bezug auf den Entwicklungsprozess von Forge of Empires, worauf bist Du besonders stolz?

Besonders stolz bin ich auf den Start der Open Beta, weil es ein erfolgreicher Start war und wir viel positives Feedback bekamen. Auch bin ich sehr stolz auf die Stabilität des Spiels und darüber hinaus über die Nutzung der neuen Methode des Flashs. Die Backend und Frontend harmonisieren gut miteinander. Aber natürlich bin ich auch sehr stolz darauf, dass es wenige Bugs und technische Probleme in der Open Beta gibt. Ein besonderes Dankeschön geht an die Community und all die Spieler, die seit der Exclusive Beta spielen. Ohne deren Hilfe hätten wir nicht so viele Fehler finden und dadurch beheben können, bevor die Open Beta startete. Also nochmals vielen Dank. Wenn Ihr einen Fehler in unserem Spiel gefunden habt, würde Ich euch gerne dazu ermutigen, es in unseren Foren zu melden. Dies gibt uns die Chance, euch das beste Spiel-Erlebnis zu bieten.

Welchen Rat würdest du jemandem geben, der Interesse an einer Game-Entwickler besitzt?

Zunächst einmal müsst ihr interessiert und begeistert an Spielen, und deren Entwicklung sein. Ein Vorteil ist natürlich IT-Erfahrung oder ein Studium im Infomation-Wesen. Aber Sie sollten nicht nur theretisch bleiben. Auch Praxiserfahrungen, wie Praktika sind sehr wichtig. Wie ihr wisst, Übung macht den Meister. Ich würde euch besonders ein Praktikum in einem Unternehmen empfehlen, der sich um Entwicklung kümmert, um herrauszufinden ob dieser Job für euch geeignet ist. Aber das sollte kein Problem sein, wenn man leidenschaftlicher Spieler ist ;)

Nochmals vielen Dank für dieses Interview.